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Journey to Dungeon Covetous
Posted: Saturday, June 1st, 2001 by Yha-nthlei Ph'n

Erine D'Amon graciously invited all Drow to go on a hunt this last Thursday. All in all it turned out quite well. I have some pictures to prove it... While we were gathering at the tower for the night, Akula happened to walk by and fall victim, as always, to Ala'Lochke. Waela rivvil...

Eventually all the Ilythiiri to attend arrived and we set forth. We arrived at Covetous quite quickly thanks to a gate from Ala'Lochke and ventured inside. While combing the depths slaughtering everything in our path we stumbled upon a rivvil, Sly Fox. He saw us approach and ran in fear for his life. Luckily, he left his pet dragon for us to slay. A simple task for six Drow warriors.

After defeating the foul dragon a lone Drow came up from behind. Luckily for him we are not strangers. Feanor Kaznok had joined us for our hunt.

Here we are in all our glory, destroying Beholders left and right. They provided us with much needed gold and helped us to train the Wanre. Our total for the night from these beasts was 45 K in gold. Not bad for killing these weakling beasts.

After battling with these many-eyed monsters for a while we decided to take our leave of the Dungeon Covetous and head home. Our luck can go on for only so long. We arrived back at the tower and decided to call it a night. For some reason Diamit Corobel, Azaezel and myself, Yha-nthlei Ph'n, are missing from this particular shot... * shrugs *

Oh, what's this? Akula seems to have shown up again. Too bad he is such a foolish human. Har! Oh well, Goodbye Akula.

Despise Trip
Posted: Tuesday, May 14th, 2001 by Baal Shabboth

We started off by grouping with the Hargluk of the Baraz Khazad clan that live nearby, then advancing into the deep tunnels and encountering little resistance. We quickly felled the first Titan we encountered, but then the Titans sneaky Ettin slaves came in from side tunnels to back him up.
Leaving a trail of Ettins in our wake, we battled deeper into the caves where the Titans reside and became more plentiful.
As we traveled into the heart of their lair, the pathetic Ettin slaves were replaced by the powerful Cyclopean Bodyguards of the Titans.
As I said, be very wary of these Giagntic hammer wielding Cyclops. They can quickly turn the lights out. *grumbles*
All in all a very fun night, although we departed the caverns as spirits.

Roster Updated
Posted: Tuesday, April 17th, 2001 by Baal Shabboth

The roster page has been updated with ranks and all current players who are members of the Drow of Siege Perilous.

Alliance of Underdark Races
Posted: Monday, April 16th, 2001 by Baal Shabboth

We are allied to the Deep Dwarves (Duergar) of Siege Perilous. Although not allied to the Baraz Khazad Dwarves, the Duergar are, so currently if engaging them please do not loot them at all until Toren gets time to talk to them about specific rules of engagement.

Drow Operations
Posted: Wednesday, March 7th, 2001 by Vrow

The Drow Empire has constructed a resource temple deep within a quieted woods. Any Drow craftsmen that would like the use of this structure, need contact myself or Elder Toren for approval and friending. The structure is in contact with a mountain ( yes, mining can be done without leaving the structure ) and hide bearing beasts, and lumber abound in the area.

L'elamshin d'lil Ilythiiri zhah ulu har'luth jal
Posted: Thursday, March 1st, 2001 by Vrow

Lloth be praised by the martial discipline shown by her child Ala'Lochke, who represented the Drow fiercely in the Demi-God run event of monster bashing in the Wrong Arena. Ala'Lochke was one of the final two combatants left before being bested in combat by a Vampire. Bwael job, and for a full story read Glendor's recounting here.


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